“But does the personality match the work?”
I’m a loud and proud member of “Lulu Lemon Lovers Anonymous” on Facebook.
I faint at the sight of blood and the smell of medical “liquids”. So I’ll take you to the hospital but I probably wont go in.
I’m the less than active captain of a Pokémon Go Spark Team of 300 people from Orem and Provo, Utah.
I once had a deep fear of chainsaws which I have since quelled through the power of gruesome video games and prayer.
I once drove around Salt Lake City in search of tree stumps that looked like pigs for a school project.
I recently bought a pair of athletic shoes only because it was recommended by the Kardashians.
Sometimes I get my Adobe Premiere shortcuts mixed up and I bicker at my computer for doing things wrong as if it’s some kind of annoying uncle cutting the turkey incorrectly at Thanksgiving.
Still not convinced? Well then stalk me on socials.
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